So it's approaching that time - when 2012 comes to a close and the whole world awaits the next year with anticipation and fresh new hopes and dreams.
This has got me thinking about New Year's resolutions. Like the traditional ones - "this year I want to lose weight", or "I want to get that promotion", or "I want to find the boy of my dreams!". Ever made resolutions like that?
I used to. I used to have these perfect little resolutions prepared before the beginning of each new year, and I would tell myself -
"Yup, this is the year! BRING IT ON!"
But even as I was writing them, I knew I wouldn't adhere to them - and I think I've figured out why.
I'm now a firm believer in the fact that it is only when you are ready for a change, will you take the action necessary to enable that change to take place. In other words, there needs to be a shift in your mindset, a subconscious internal movement towards "Yes, I am now ready to commit to this and this is right for me now", before action can take place - before habits form, before hard work begins and before a change manifests.
Sitting down on New Year's Eve and writing out a list of things I want is fine - but I don't like the idea of saying "this is what I want to happen this year", because I think that's setting myself up for disappointment. It will happen when I'm mentally ready, when it is the right time for that change to take place in my life, and when I truly am prepared to commit to manifesting the change.
And the truth is, you and I know whether we are (mentally) ready for what we are asking for, or not.
So an example - the 'get fit' thing. That's been a 'New Year's resolution' for me for the last...decade pretty much. But it wasn't until around mid this-year, when my mindset actually shifted and I was like: "Wow, I am a blob. I need my body to last a lifetime, and this needs to change". For me, that was my 'New Year's Eve', in terms of a shift in my mindset, and in terms of cementing in me a goal I was actually ready to commit to 100%.
So on the eve of the 31st of December 2012, I'm going to write a list of changes that I feel I need in my character/personality at this stage of my life. It's going to sound airy-fairy, but I'm going to go with my gut instinct on this one. Like a couple of years ago, I reflected on what part of me was screwing me up the most, and it was my fear of...almost everything. So 'Fearlessness' became my resolution because that's what I needed at that point, and lo and behold, it happened!
I'm excited, because these sorts of resolutions are more under my control and I have confidence that I will achieve them, or at the very least, make progress.
So why make resolutions on NYE, and not just whenever I feel that 'mindset shift'? I think the reason is because on NYE it's as if everyone has this opportunity to start all over again - at that moment we're all in the same boat, and we all want to throw away last year's crap and resolve to being better going forward. It's the perfect time to take a moment to reflect on myself completely (like a year-end audit!) and scribble down what I think I need to change, for a fresh start and a better me. It's the symbolism of this ritual that attracts me.
What do you guys think?
Regardless of what significance it holds to you, Happy New Year! Here's to a more peaceful and awesome world as we become more peaceful and awesome ourselves <3
Til' next time!
Peace & Love,