Hey guys,
I hope you had an awesome week!
Remember that article I wrote last time about 'Maktub', and about believing that there are truly some things that we have no control over?
I've figured something else out, that is kind of on a similar vein. And it's about Discipline.
On face value, Discipline and Destiny are hardly two words you imagine together in a sentence, right?
But since I recently started work again, I've realised how deeply important and correlated these two 'D-words' really are.
For four months late last year, I took a break from everything, and every morning I decided what I would do each day. Within a week, I tired of the lack of structure, and I decided to turn everything I wanted to achieve in my 4 months off, into a routine. So I built up this amazing daily routine, that consisted of waking up on the right note, meditating, affirmations, exercise, healthy and portion-controlled eating, 8 cups of water, vitamin tablets, etc.
Then I found a job. And my system suddenly jolted and said - "but wait, what happens to all those things I did before, that really meant a lot to me?". Good point system, good point.
So this time, I was determined that I would maintain 'work-life balance' - that I wouldn't let the 8 hours I spent at work, dictate how I felt about the day. And to keep positive and motivated about every day, I needed to maintain that awesome routine I had set up.
It was really hard the first few weeks. I had to force myself to wake up an hour early to meditate. I had to spend a solid 10 minutes every night logically explaining to myself why I needed to 'reflect' on the day.
And then I noticed something.
Every time I caved in and didn't do something that was on my routine, I felt horrible. But why? So what if I didn't exercise this morning? So what if I didn't take my vitamins? Big deal!
Well actually, yeah, it is a big deal. Because every time I lacked the discipline to do something I knew was in my best interests, I felt like fundamentally Life was that little bit more out of my control.
Then I realised - discipline gave me control of ME. Because that really is all I can control. I can't decide what happens to me, but I can decide how I behave and how I react - which in turn determines my character.
When I lack the discipline to do something, I am in a sense, relinquishing what little control I do have, over the most important determinant of happiness in my life - Myself. And it sends signals to my mind that I don't value myself enough to do something that means so much to me. This goes to the next level of how our mind works - beyond what we tell ourselves, and into how we act.
So if I truly want to become the Best Me, then I need to do more than tell myself that. I need to prove to myself that I am willing to sacrifice 2 minutes of comfort, to put in the hard work now and invest in myself for the long-term.
Every time I have stuck to my routine, more than anything else, I have felt like I am in control. On those days, no matter what the day threw at me, I felt I could get through it.
So then, discipline is more than our parents coming into our room at 6 am and yelling at us to wake up. It is about control. It is about feeling powerful within the domain of our Life that we do have a say in - our Self. It's kind of like, if our boat is strong and steadfast, it can weather through anything the ocean throws at it. The ocean part being 'Maktub'. And more often than not, it takes us where we need to be, beyond our realm of control.
I remember reading somewhere, that the most successful people in the world, who lead unpredictable and exciting lives, come back home to a routine. It is how they gain a sense of control and strength. That article now makes so much sense to me.
Destiny expands for those who are courageous and committed enough to expand themselves. So the next time you want to procrastinate on the things that really do matter to you, make yourself remember the 2 D's and RECLAIM your power over your Self.
Hardcore workouts, here we come!
Til' next time,