Sunday, 6 January 2013

Me, Myself...and 'Ideal Me'.

Hey guys,

Hope you are having a beautiful day!

I was talking to someone the other day, about perfectionism. I told them I thought there wasn't such thing as being 'perfect', but to me, being perfect was about being the 'Best Me'.

The Best Me.

I love that phrase!

A few years ago, I took out a pen and paper and drew an image of myself - my 'Ideal Self'. I drew everything I had, what I looked like, and even carefully designed the expression on my face. I labelled the image 'My Ideal Self', and then I hid it under a mound of books on my desk and I forgot about that drawing.

But the image implanted itself into my mind, and I was fascinated by it. I had created a vision of the 'Best Me' and I was intrigued.

Fast-forward a few years. You guys know I like reflecting on myself and my Life. Last week, as I did this, a thought struck me, and I ran over to my desk and rummaged around for that picture. I took it out, and my jaw almost dropped.

I was turning into her.

And then I realised, ever since I had clearly drawn out the person I wanted to be, I had subconsciously started to work towards it. It's kinda like how they say you should always write down your goals on paper, because that makes them more concrete, and it signals to yourself and the world that you're serious. Maybe that's what happened.

Whatever it was, ever since I drew that picture, I realised I had carried with me that image of my 'Ideal Self' in my mind and heart, and she was popping up here and there throughout my life. I had started asking myself, without even noticing, - "what would Ideal Me do?". I channelled that 'Ideal Me' concept to boost my confidence, to handle difficult situations, and to give tasks my best shot.

And over time, I have come closer to becoming that person. Will I ever be that person 100%? Actually yeah, I will. If anyone ever tells you that you can't be everything you want to be, they're wrong. So I believe that every one of us can be our 'Ideal Selves'.

I have so much respect for this concept - so if you have 5 minutes, which surely you do, try it! Write a list, or draw up a flowchart, or paint a picture, whatever comes naturally. But answer this question to yourself - if you could be EVERYTHING you want to be, who would you be?

Would you be a bold, sassy environmentalist campaigning across the world? Or would you be an elegant, self-confident entrepreneur raking in a 6-figure salary?

How would 'Ideal You' handle situations? How would she/he speak, look, behave, act? Would she smile a lot? Would her voice project across the room? Think it all through. Even without you knowing, your mind will seize upon that image.

So that when you have to make that freaky phone call to deliver bad news to a client, or next time you have to stand up and give an impromptu introduction to a room full of strangers, you can tell yourself - I'm going to handle this as my Ideal Self would. And just watch, you'll ace it.

Our mind is intensely powerful - whatever you tell it, it will believe you. I've learnt this the hard way. So show your mind the way - show it what you want to be and what you want to strive for, and if you're diligent with conditioning it to be a positive and inspiring tool, then you're set. There is nothing more powerful than having your mind aligned with You and your Goals.

I believe Life is about us becoming everything we can possibly be. This is our first step in a long and amazing voyage - closing the gap between the 'You now' and the 'Ideal You'. Going from 'Me + Baggage' --> 'Just Me' ---> 'Ideal Me'.

So do give it a shot, create a concrete image of your Ideal, and start seeing yourself change - because seriously, what could be more  PERFECT than YOU, in all your glory? :)

Til' next time,

Peace and Love!

1 comment:

  1. I love this!

    I haven't been on here in a while and there are so many great posts that I need to go back and read! Heading pack to the trust post! :) x
