Monday 16 June 2014

Why the Morning Routine Matters - Like Really Matters.

Hey guys!

So I think I'm going to get back into blogging regularly.

And I'll tell you why - it's because in the last few weeks, I've realised how important, how fundamental this concept of discipline is in our lives.

The last 8 months of my life since I moved abroad, have been crazy, intense, exhilarating, devastating, magical and stupendous - all those things, mostly at the same time. Which is fine, totally fine - it's fine for life to be kinda mental and unpredictable, that's what makes it Life and that's what makes it amazing. But what's not okay, is for our inner state to also be kinda mental and unpredictable. That's not cool.

When I moved away from home, I stopped following my daily routine. You know, the kinda corny one, where I'd wake up an hour early, meditate, read positive affirmations, do some yoga and yes, tell myself 'I love you' to the mirror, finishing off with a cup of warm water and a healthy breakfast.

Big deal right? What do these little rituals matter anyway?

Well, actually they matter a fair bit. The truth of the matter is, this hour of strange and wonderful activities in the morning was more than a routine. It was my slice of control.

Backtrack a little - crazy shit happens. We make plans and we blow wishes into the wind hoping for the best. Hoping for what we want - but sometimes Life takes a detour or sometimes something else is written in our destinies. If it's one thing I've learnt in the last few years, it's this - life is unpredictable, but YOU don't have to be. If you can be stable within yourself, steadfast in sticking to your goals and your values, then you can handle anything the world throws at you.


And that's where routine comes in. Self-regulated routines set the foundation for our inner strength. We have very little control over the external events that take place around us or occur to us. But we have total dominion over ourselves and the way we react to what happens around us. And this one level of control, this one remote control switch we have, this is enough. This is enough to determine the rest of our lives - it's the power of choice all over again. And exercising that choice, is totally under our control.

The power of our choices - beginning when the alarm goes off!

Without that 1 hour in the morning during which I centered myself and began the day on my terms, within a few months, I was feeling like everything was out of control. I felt overwhelmed, stressed and hassled - and I was irritable and not really the type of person I wanted to be.

So I learnt this - never under-estimate the power of your choice to stick to a routine - because your small daily choices build up over time to shape your daily moods, your actions, your personality, your character and eventually, your outcomes and experience of life.

So here I am again, 8 months later, almost full-circle, re-establishing all those seemingly unimportant routines I used to follow a year ago. And you know what - it feels awesome. It feels like I'm back in the driver's seat, and the morning has become my domain, my kingdom. And when you start the day feeling like that, you inevitably carry that vibe forward throughout the day. Over a few weeks, you feel the difference.

So if there's been something you used to do that made your day kinda special, and if it's slipped off your plate - re-establish it starting today. It may seem silly and unimportant at first, but the choice to adhere to your routine, is the choice to take control and to take responsibility for most important aspect of your life - your experience of it. It is the first step to self-leadership and I've had to realise it the hard way.


So what self-improving, self-nourishing routine will you re-establish today?

As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts - maybe we can help keep each other accountable ;)

Til' next time!

A. x


  1. Yes. You're right. Too often I let myself be a victim of what's going around me. I'm reactive with my feelings, not proactive.

    What helps me is regularly praying and reading my bible. It centres me in the ways you were talking about. Self reflection is good, but reflecting on something outside myself is even better.

    1. Thanks Michelle - great point on spirituality. I feel like that is also something I have been missing lately and I hope to incorporate that into my routine over the coming days - I'm taking your comment as a sign, so thank you! <3

  2. really good post! it always helps to have reaffirmation of why you do certain things. for me, i've often stopped listening to music in the morning all the time, something I feel I will start again now. it helps me relax and to remind myself why I do what I do. thanks! :)

    1. Thanks Bineal, it's so special to read your comments always :)

  3. Perfect blog to read this morning girl. Thanks for sharing. I have not had a set morning routine in years and things are more out of control with the little one in our life now. Well, she is not little anymore with the amount of control she has over every minute of my life. I would love to be held accountable, to get started. Counting on you :)

    1. Always di, let me know what I can do, and you can help me stay disciplined too ;) Thanks so much for the comment! <3
